Covenant Partner Info
Donations at the Covenant Partner level include two 5K entries and two food vouchers. Please read through the information below to reduce any confusion during registration.
Covenant Partners who wish to use at least one of the two 5K entries for themselves
(italicized notes below are only for folks who will be using both entries at the same time, for example, if you are signing up for yourself and your spouse/other):
1. You will click SIGN UP and choose the COVENANT PARTNER option.
-if you are signing up the second 5K entry at the same time, then you will click +Add Another Registrant and choose Covenant Partner for their event as well
2. When you get to the TEAM window, you will CREATE A NEW TEAM
3. Select COVENANT PARTNER as the Team Type and name the team whatever you wish (do not have to set a password so ignore that button)
-if you are signing up the second 5K entry at the same time, then make sure you select "Join the same team as" when on their entry
-So first entry will CREATE the team and the second will JOIN THE SAME TEAM AS
4. Select shirt size and continue
5. When you get to the Donation window hit CONTINUE without selecting anything. Your donation will be included in your total, so you do not need to select Covenant Partner here. That is only for folks who wish to donate at the Covenant level without using any of the entries for themselves.
If the second 5K entry will be used later by someone you give the second entry to, then when they register they will choose Covenant Partner, and when they get to the Team window they will choose to Join an Existing team under the Covenant Partner type. Make sure they know your team name before they register. They will not be charged anything when they use the second entry, as your earlier registration will cover their entry fee.
Covenant Partners who wish to pay online and donate both 5K entries to other people
1. You will click DONATE on the homepage
2. Select the COVENANT PARTNER donation level
3. Follow the on screen prompts to complete payment
4. Navigate back to the homepage, use the Questions button under Race Contact Info to send us an email to confirm your donation. We will reply to this email with a code for you to share with the two folks who will use the entries.
Covenant Partners who pay at the church
1. We can send you a code to use to register your two entries online
2. OR you can send the information for the two entries to the race organizers
3. The race organizers will discuss each option with you to see what works best